Artificial Environment
A new trend in
adventure tourism is the development of artificial adventure environment.
Artificial environment is recreations based on “real life” adventures. Ex:
indoor climbing wall is simulated to look like cliff edge, some advantages to
providing artificial adventure environments. This means that man-made
environment for adventure tourism. They can be located in towns and in popular tourists’
At the moment, the artificial adventure environment has become a new trend. The artificial environment is the real entertainment provided in an artificial environment based on real life. For example, an indoor climbing wall resembles a hillside. So people do not have to travel for to get to them. This environment is reason to minimize the negative impacts of natural environment. Indoor facilities can stay open all year round, regardless of the weather they can also operate at night. So that many more participants are able to use the facilities. Other artificial adventure environments have located their popularity to similar reasons. They are conveniently located to urban centers; they are safe, fun and affordable. On the other hand they are especially accessible for younger people who might not have the means to participate in the 'real' thing. In today's time-poor society, artificial environments provide 'instant adventure'.
great job🤩🤩
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